First down ink is not dry due to improper ink or heavy ink film.
Increase drying speed of the ink by:
Second down ink is not covering due to low viscosity.
Increase second down ink viscosity to higher than that of first down ink.
Second down ink is not printing due to the ink drying too fast.
Slow drying by adding glycol or increase press speed.
Ink is not drying due to the high hold out of the substrate.
Change substrate or reduce ink film thickness.
Second down ink is not compatible with the first down ink.
Use a transparent ink and switch trapping sequence.
Second down ink is not printing due to too high or too low pH.
Adjust pH or add fresh ink (non-pH stable inks only).
*The solutions provided from the troubleshooting guide are general in nature, please contact your sales or technical representative to discuss specific issues.
Sun Chemical offers a broad ink and coating product portfolio with a wide range of capabilities that include inks, coatings, color software and brand color management for paper packaging.
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